An organized group of perpetrators has probably struck twice in a row in Bavaria. First, 100 solar modules were dismantled and transported away from the solar farm in Taennesberg. Further panels were ready for removal. Only a short time before, perpetrators visited the Vohenstrauss solar farm, also dismantled more than 100 solar panels and placed them ready for removal. In this case, the panels were not removed.
Both solar farms suffered property damage in addition to the theft of the modules. The exact amount of the total damage cannot yet be quantified. The value of the stolen modules is estimated at about 18,000 EUR. The police is investigating for aggravated gang theft.
Both solar farms suffered property damage in addition to the theft of the modules. The exact amount of the total damage cannot yet be quantified. The value of the stolen modules is estimated at about 18,000 EUR. The police is investigating for aggravated gang theft.